Paper 2 – Personality

Paper 2: Personality and learning/studying behaviors

Question: Is there a relationship between personality dimensions and student studying and learning behaviors?

Method: Big 5 personality inventory, studying survey (self-report, developed in class).

Hypotheses: Students write their own hypotheses, within the confines of the relationship between a personality dimension and studying and learning behavior, as we will define it.

Analysis: Correlations


McCrae & Costa (1997) Personality Traits as Human Universals

Below are two additional readings, you should use at least 1 for your paper (you’re welcome to use both). Both examine personality and learning styles and use correlations for the analysis, which is what we’ll be doing as well.

Bidjerano & Dai (2007) Big Five learning strategies

Komarraju et al. (2011) Big Five learning styles

Lecture on personality on Prezi

Survey draft 3/8/2018

For our experiment:

FINAL survey!

Scoring sheet for survey

Input data here (googledoc) – and please use your initials for additional participants!

Personality and Studying SPSS data

How-to correlations with personality data

Paper 2 guidelines:

Outline of paper 2

Sample paper 2

Sample tables in APA format for paper 2

Making Tables and Figures-Colorado State