To complete for class on 3/5

  1. McCrae & Costa (1997) summary and reaction

Please write a 3 paragraph summary of the article by McCrae and Costa (1997). One paragraph should cover the information from the introduction, one from the method, and one from the discussion. If you feel that you need to reference specific information from the results section in order to make your discussion paragraph more thorough, feel free.

Then at the end, write another paragraph on your reactions to the reading. What do you think about McCrae and Costa’s findings and about personality traits as universal?


  1. Survey development

Having read chapter 11, you should have a sense of survey design and development. Please begin thinking about what kinds of questions we might want to ask in our survey for paper #2.

Remember, our paper is going to examine the relationship between personality traits and student learning and studying behavior. We will obtain the personality scales from an online questionnaire and we will create our student survey as a class.

Now, begin drafting 5-10 questions you think would be relevant to ask for our student learning and studying survey.

*Side note: most of the articles I found when I searched on this topic also looked at academic achievement (GPA, graduation rates, etc.). Think about whether this is something we should also include in our survey.

If you need ideas to get you started, you can begin skimming through the 2 posted readings on our class website. You need to read one of these articles (Bidjerano & Dai (2007) or Komarraju et al. (2011)) for Thursday!


Please submit this to me via email ([email protected]) by the end of our class time – 4pm!!