
You can use this space to post any questions you may have regarding the final paper and presentation. Since we won’t be having a peer review session, you can ask questions to your peers here instead. And, if multiple people have the same question, you may be able to find an answer already on here.

This will be an on-going SQ. You will have a chance to post here and receive credit until the final paper is due. Our final exam is scheduled for 5/24 at 1:45-3:45 which means paper 4 is due in turnitin on 5/24 at 3:45.


Please describe the difference between experimental design, pre-experimental design, and quasi experimental design.

Explain why you might use one design type over another (you don’t have to describe this for all three but consider what might be a benefit of one design type in a certain situation). Also consider the possible threats to internal validity that can occur with each design type that may impact your choice. (In other words, it might be best to come up with an example and describe which research design you would use and why.)


What reactions do you have to The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat? Can something be taken away from this case study and be used for understanding other situations? Do you think this case study could have been developed as a single-subject design instead (or that a similar case could be treated as a single-subject design in the future)?

(a digital copy of the article is posted on the Paper 3 page)

SQ7 – 2 options

For SQ7, please respond to one of the following two options:

  1. Discuss your hypotheses for Paper #3. Keep in mind the general research question: Is there a difference in response time when taking two versions of the Stroop test with and without a noise distractor?
    For your hypotheses, what do you expect to find once we run our results? You may have similar hypotheses to others in the class but you should still make sure that these make sense to you and are related to the readings (thus far). You will be able to expand on these for your paper once you read your other articles, but you need to have a strong foundation of your hypotheses before we run our results.
  2. Describe executive functioning generally and inhibition specifically. Inhibition is the focus of our paper, but it is part of the larger concept of executive functioning. Using the Miyake et al. (2000) article and Stroop’s (1935) discussion of inhibition in the introduction of his paper, describe executive functioning and inhibition, as it applies to our study.


For this study question, state at least one of your hypotheses and the subsequent correlation results you found. Make sure that you have justification and rationale for why you are hypothesizing what you are hypothesizing (this is necessary for your paper, you don’t have to write out the full rationale here). After you present the results (report statistics in APA format), discuss what you found and why it may or may not support your hypothesis. Some of you will have the same hypotheses and findings – you can use this space to brainstorm why the results did or did not support your hypotheses.