For this study question, please solidify what your two (at least) hypotheses will be for our first paper on squirrel behavior. These should be based on two behaviors that you’ve selected to compare between the two seasons. Each hypothesis should be one-tailed.  Please give rationale as to why you are predicting your hypotheses as such (if it’s based on reading we’ve done, mention the source as well).


Find an article in the newspaper that reports the results of some research (hint: check the science section). For that article, try to identify as many “scientific method details” about the research as you can.

For example: what was the hypothesis of the research? What methodology was used? How were the participants recruited? What were the key findings of the study? And feel free to be critical – what were the limitations of the study? How convinced are you of the study’s results?

Finally, please make sure you at least give the name of the article and the newspaper it came from. Bonus points if you give the citation in proper APA format!